programming games other stuff  


What is this program for and what does program do?

 - Under first tab "Huge Archive Make" you can link small files into

   big one. I will use that program to link my files into big one.
Every program will now include executable file and
one big file-my archive that will include
graphics, sound, etc...
make huge archive

 - Under second tab "Break Huge Archive" you can break big file to small

   pices that can go to floppy or somewhere else.
break hige archive

 - Under third tab "Link Back" you can link back files that were previously

   made under second tab.
link back

How is XXL format written?

 - 4 bytes is signature XXL8 
 - 2 bytes are number of all files in archive
 - next follow data about programs every program has its own head and it is 30 bytes long
   12 bytes is for filename
   4   bytes is for file size
   4   bytes is for file seek(where in the archive file is)
   10 bytes are empty-0 (maybe for date, attributes)
    30 bytes
   After that follows next 30 bytes of next program...

You can download that program with source files and executable under programming-delphi