programming games other stuff  

Here are latest updates of our homepage:

26.09.2007 - ZIP files were missing. That is fixed now. Happy downloading.

29.10.2006 - I converted html web pages to php scripts. Done some html code cleaning and validation against xhtml 1.0 standard. Our new domain is

29.06.2000 - MP3 Information program written in Delphi source files included. Read Info of MP3 and also read a ID3 Tag and change it if you want to. See screenshots.

28.06.2000 - Screen capture source for Delphi. Also included some fun tricks with desktop.

11.05.2000 - Fraktals written by Matt in Visual C. Very cool looking fractals!

27.03.2000 - Something spicy for Delphi, AngleText routine. Now you can draw text to canvas in any angle you want. Have fun with AngleText. See screenshots! Soon will be finished MP3-JAY for mixing mp3 files.

25.02.2000 - SOKOBAGER written in DJGPP v2.0. Source included. Library mouse, bmp, vga for DJGPP. Added guest book. Please fell free to sign it.

03.01.2000 - Uploaded Installer for delphi. This is example how to make an Installation program. It is good example how to check all errors and everything else. Included file cryption and password protection.

08.11.1999 - As I promise i made SokoBager Level editor for LINUX (source included), now you can build your own levels and play them. Please send levels to me. Source includes handling with (mouse, xll, buttons, bmp, editnox,...), removed some bugs. Uploaded one picture under GFX Galery.

24.10.1999 - File Linker for LINUX now you can transfer big files fom one computer to another on floppy disc. You can also transfer fom Windows(use File Archive Handler) to LINUX(File Linker). Now you can use *.XXL in your aplications under LINUX (source is also compatible with other c compilers). Also something new under Useful Stuf - GfxGalery(new pic).

15.10.1999 - Finally SOKOBAGER for LINUX available 30 levels. And something usefull in delphi 3.0 'File Archive Handler'. Handling with graphics in Watcom C++(graphics, bmp, mouse...)!

10.10.1999 - Something in visual c++(source). Soon something usefull in delphi and Sokobager for Linux! Now we have four mirrors of our page on tripod, xoom, fortunecity and geocities (choose fastest).

06.09.1999 - Uploaded homepage to tripod and to xoom. Something new for LINUX (bmp, mouse, fonts).

26.08.1999 - Completely finished homepage, no more brokenlines, added LINUX programming submenu.

21.06.1999 - Uploaded game SokoBager for DOS written in Turbo C++. Also uploaded LevelBuilder + source for SokoBager written in Delphi 3. Removed applet from weclome.html because of reported bugs.

03.06.1999 - Added this ''Whats New'' option.

02.06.1999 - Uploaded file: to Turbo C++ 3.0 submenu.

01.06.1999 - Uploaded file: to Turbo Pascal 7.0 submenu.

27.05.1999 - Completely recreated homepage. Uploaded almoast everything that was already on old homepage. Added some Delphi sources, my graphics utils for Turbo C++, Java sources and much more.